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What Are the Worst Foods for Erectile Dysfunction?

What Are the Worst Foods for Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (or ED) is a common condition that affects millions of men worldwide. Unfortunately, it can have a significant impact on a man’s quality of life, his self-esteem, intimate relationships, and overall health.

There are several factors that contribute to ED but diet especially plays a critical role in maintaining a man’s sexual health.

Read on for more information on the worst foods for erectile dysfunction, common causes, and how a non-invasive treatment option can help you gain control of your sexual health.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to get or maintain an erection that is firm enough for sexual intercourse. Occasional ED is common but frequent ED can be a sign of an underlying health problem that needs treatment.

There are also cases where ED is caused by emotional or relationship difficulties and should be addressed by a mental health professional.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can stem from many physical and psychological factors. These include:

  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Obesity
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Medication
  • Age
  • And More

The first step to regaining your sexual function is to get to the root cause of your symptoms. Remember, ED is not a disease, it’s a symptom of something else going on.

a picture of a bunch of junk food like burgers, fries, and pizza

Worst Foods for Erectile Dysfunction

Diet plays a crucial role in our daily health and that includes our sexual health. Certain foods can lead to erectile dysfunction. Here are the worst foods for ED:

Processed and Fatty Foods: Processed foods high in saturated fat (like fried food) can eventually lead to high cholesterol. High cholesterol inhibits blood flow throughout the body, including the penis. When there is a lack of blood flow to the penis, it may be difficult to get or maintain an erection. This includes items from fast food restaurants, red meat, and other convenient type foods.

Sugary Foods and Beverages: Excessive amounts of sugar can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. All of these health conditions can contribute to erectile dysfunction.

Alcohol: There is a difference between moderate and excessive amounts of alcohol. While a moderate intake will not usually affect your body, excessive amounts may lead to nerve damage or liver disease. These conditions may interfere with male sex hormones which can lead to sexual dysfunction.

Canned and Plastic-packaged Foods: In addition to being unhealthy, canned or plastic packaged foods often contain BPA which can affect bodily hormones. They mimic estrogen (a predominantly female hormone) which may lead to ED.

a picture of the word 'erectile dysfunction' being erased by a pencil eraser

How Red Light Therapy Can Help With Erectile Dysfunction

Red light therapy (RLT) is a non-invasive treatment option for ED. Studies have shown that when exposed to low wavelengths of red light, cellular function and blood flow are improved. When blood flow is restored to areas of the body (including the penis) it can aid in healing.

RLT can be used for many different aspects of healing. When you opt for FDA cleared devices, they’ve been proven to help with neuropathy, weight loss, and of course, men’s health.

The red light penetrates the skin to stimulate the production of adenosine triphosphate which improves cellular function, blood vessels, and blood circulation. These functions are crucial for maintaining an erection.

With Bedrock Bio Science’s non-invasive options, lifestyle changes, and dietary supplements, and guidance from your practitioner, you’ll be on your way to normal function in no time.

Preventing Erectile Dysfunction

Because there are so many risk factors to developing  ED, and we don’t always know the immediate cause, it’s crucial to maintain some sort of healthy diet and lifestyle to prevent erectile dysfunction. These include:

  • Regular Exercise: Physical activity has more health benefits than just a fit physique. Regular exercise can treat ED by improving blood flow, reducing stress, and getting rid of obesity.
  • Stress Management: Stress plays a crucial role in our mental health, and poor mental health can lead to ED. Things like medication, yoga, and therapy help manage stress.
  • Medical Consultation: Especially if your lifestyle changes are not helping your erectile dysfunction, it’s always important to consult with a doctor about your issues. A doctor can order tests and recommend typical treatments as well as technology like RLT to regain your sexual confidence.

Erectile Dysfunction Doesn’t Have To Define You

Erectile dysfunction is a condition that is often influenced by diet, lifestyle, and health status. Some are causes that can be helped by changes alone, and others need a specialist to determine the cause. Red light therapy offers a non-invasive option that can improve over all function in many parts of the body, including the penis.

Holistic options should always be part of a comprehensive approach that is overseen by a doctor. If you’re looking for solutions to ED, talk to your doctor about red light therapy and ask about Bedrock Bioscience’s collection of products.

Give us a call if you have questions about our options. We are glad to help.

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